It truly amazes me at how much Americans are so "obsessed" with the media they are fed. A lot of these posts have been about Britney Spears so I am going to use that as my starting point since I have no clue what to do.
If you think about it, average people go through horrible stuff everyday. Drug addicts, deaths, divorces and many other things all happen daily, yet no one hears about how three kids died in a car accident. Instead they read about how Lindsay Lohan was pulled over because she was drunk and does coke.
In my opinion American media needs to focus more on global topics and stories on everyday news. I wonder, are we so "obsessed" with celebrities that the media reports on it to crave our needs? Or does the media feed these stories to us to make us somewhat brainwashed in the fact that some may watch EXTRA or Entertainment Tonight over their local news stations? It makes me wonder... Paris Hilton got so much media for going to jail, does that mean it will be the "cool" thing to do and young girls will rebel to be like Paris? Obviously there is a bit of a trend considering Nichole Richie has to serve time- and Lindsay Lohan, well she is another story.
I just hope that people start to question whether or not the media is making them crave entertainment news, or if it is what people really want.
-Kara Bautch
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