Technology has to be used quickly and efficiently by both Democratic and Republican parties to make sure there message get out first. “Speed Kills.”-War Room
September 18th Hackers broke into the Yahoo! e-mail account that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used for official business as Alaska's governor. This reveled personal messages she has received since John McCain selected her as his running mate. Leaked by the Associated Press, Palin herself used "gov.sarah" in one of her e-mail addresses, but the hackers targeted her "gov.palin" account.
http://video.yahoo.com/watch/1884558/6206369 In a Yahoo! news video McCain explained he is computer illiterate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ2I0t_Twk0 Shorty after an Ad put out by the Obama campaign criticized presidential candidate John McCain lack of e-mail use. After the Ad aired the McCain team rebutted by explaining he is unable to type because of war injuries . The Los Angeles Times blog “Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble is, he can't due to tortured fingers,” was broken apart by citizen journalist. The citizens said that there are millions of handicapped people unable to type that have software to help add.
Ok, so the picture has nothing to do with either of these stories, I just needed an excuse to put it in. Palin uses the same free email account as the average Joe. McCain is unable to use an e-mail at all and the Obama campaign with the help of technology loves every minute of it. Will we ever focus on the real issues?
Adam wrote: "Will we ever focus on the real issues?"
I hear ya'. But we can start right here on this class blog, can't we? As in aim some innovation-ethics into the campaign banter! Somehow, we've gotta find an angle that's way sexier than Gov. Palin in a flag bikini, though. ;)
- Misako M.
Adam, I completely agree. I want to hear less about pigs and lipstick and much much more about actual issues that will effect us!
Rashad L.
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