By Jan Gray
Once again another study links alcohol to longevity. The experiment was done on mice, but not just any mice, lazy unhealthy mice. Red wine was given to them and researchers witnessed a "boost" in their well being. The magical ingredient in the wine is known as resveratrol and it has conclusively shown life lengthening benefits in mammals. In 2003 a David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School gave the compound to mice and found that they lived 60% longer. If that works for us we would live 150 drunken years! Other benefits are detected as well. According to Dr. David J. Hansen alcohol consumption, "improves blood lipid profile by increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol and decreasing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, decreases thrombosis (blood clotting) by reducing platelet aggregation, reducing fibrinogen (a blood clotter) and increasing fibrinolysis (the process by which clots dissolve), increases coronary blood flow, reduces blood pressure, and reduces blood insulin levels."
oh yeah.
1 comment:
According to Wikipedia, Consumer Lab, an independent dietary
supplement and over the counter products evaluation organization,
published a report on 13 November 2007 on the popular resveratrol
supplements. The organization reported that there exists a wide range
in quality, dose, and price among the 13 resveratrol products
evaluated. The actual amount of resveratrol contained in the
different brands range from 2.2mg for Revatrol, which claimed to have
400mg of "Red Wine Grape Complex", to 500mg for Biotivia Transmax,
which is consistent with the amount claimed on the product's label.
Prices per 100mg of resveratrol ranged from less than $.30 for
products made by Biotivia, Jarrow, and Country life, to a high of
$45.27 for the Revatrol brand. None of the products tested were found
to have significant levels of heavy metals or other contaminants.
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