Monday, December 17, 2007


A recent technology found that with a simple spit check like a breath test it can tell if peopl are to tired to drive. Paul Shaw along with some of his reahcers found an enzyme in saliva that is also found in sleepiness. When they tested somone who was tired they found large abouts of the enzyme than when someone was well rested and and fine to drive. However, the test is not perfect and it could take up to years to get an accurrate test.
Anyone afraid of blood tests? Well by 2011 doctors are hoping to find a simple spit cup to replace these tests. Scientists have found 1,166 proteins in saliva which also include oral cancer. They have also found certain markers in the spit of someone who has breast cancer and Sjogren's syndrome. By find this doctors would be able to determine if a person has cancer with a simple check up by spiting into a cup. This would have to diagnose and start treatment as early as possible.

Christine Thompson

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