Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Future of Print

In light of the NY Times canceling their online subscription service I got to thinking about the future of newspaper print editions, or at least the current format we are accustomed to. While many people get most of their news today from online sources I think the majority of that group is our generation.

My father, for example, who has written for various national newspapers still subscribes to a few and reads them in print form, but how many young people still do?
Where does it go from here? Will this generation make the formers way of reading the news obsolete?

As more and more people the world over gain access to computers and the internet, print media as we know it may totally change. Imagine turning on your computer every morning to a daily downloaded copy of your local news, weather and sports, emerging from your printer and ready to read.

The need for a tangible copy to read on the go may never totally disappear but as technology brings everything closer to our fingertips at a push of button the existence of the news in paper form, could.
-- Tucker Savoye

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