Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mac is always coming up with something new...

NYTimes.com reports that today Steve Jobbs announced a new line of Apple laptop computers. They are specifically for the MacBook Pro and the MacBook are carved from 2.5 pound blocks of aluminum that will make them more rigid and reliable.

I don't know about you, but I am so annoyed with Apple! Every time you buy the latest, best thing that they released, you can expect in a couple months that the BETTER, NEWER version will be out putting your OLD one to shame. I just got a new MacBook and now look?! They are coming out with one that is more reliable and lighter! Great! Oh yeah, I just bought the new iPod touch...oh wait, they just came out with a newer one!!! I have been through 3 iPods because every time you buy one they come out with a better one, smaller one, etc.

I'm frustrated.

Lauren D.

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