Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear President Obama

In just a little over 60 days, Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th president. But despite the time, "Dear Mr. President" letters are already piling up.

Two of my largest concerns is how exactly will he undo the mess that is our economy and our environmental issues.

There are many ideas being thrown around to get America back on track. Obama supports cap-and-trade policy that would lower emissions and hold larger agencies accountable. Also many recommend that the U.S. resign the Kyoto protocol when it comes up again in 12 months.

Bush, had no love for regulations and insisted a federal system would only harm states if it implemented a one-size-fits-all policy. States were left to figure out what policy would benefit them best.

Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute told that a federal policy could be adopted before the end of 2009.

In the same article, Sen. Jeff Bingaman predicted there would be legislation to develop alternative energy sources before any cap-and-trade policy.

I know the economy is tanking, but why do we have to give up fixing the environment. I think that resolving our climate issues could be the solution to a weakened economy by creating new jobs. This could also be a good way to boost our reputation back to being known as innovators.

Building a stronger economy and solving our environmental issues should not be mutually exclusive. But every media article focuses on how Americans have chosen economy over environment, and even foreign policy. Again, the major issues we face today are complex and require innovative ways of addressing our nation's dilemmas. The media should be focused and diligent when it comes to marketing this idea (environment/economy/foreign policy). I mean come on, after this election cycle they kind of owe us right?

And now the kicker! Our outgoing president will be the one attending a U.N. climate summit in December. Supposedly Obama will be sending representation, but this is just a a reminder that we still have 60 more days.

Unlike the last president, I hope Obama will not see environmental protection laws as unproductive to our economy, but rather essential.


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