Sunday, November 16, 2008

Internet helps get messages out

This isn't a new concept. But it does make it apparent that when a message needs to reach numerous people, the Internet is there to help. In an article on, it reiterated the fact how the Internet played an unprecedented role in the election.

In aspects of the gay-rights movement, there was a website made called Join the Impact that rallied thousands of people to gather in eight countries, 50 states and 300 cities to fight against the Prop 8 decision.

The article talked about an organizer of the movement, Amy Balliett. She contrasted this movement with the Stonewall Riot of 1969. "Had they had social media, had they had the Internet, we would have been able to accomplish a lot more already, because they would have been able to keep the message alive and keep the community going," Balliett said in the article.

Join The Impact was getting 50,000 hits an hour once it went up. The internet has an obvious affect to "drive the masses" because it can be reached at anytime of the day and it is so easy with all these social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to send a message out about something and create events to get your community together to stand for something.

Lauren D.

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