Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There's hope for journalists...

Six Apart, is a media source that is introducing its own bailout plan, according to an article on NYTimes.com. The TypePad Journalist Bailout Program offers a free pro account on the company's blogging platform for recently terminated bloggers and journalists. It pretty much offers them a way to keep working and writing.

I thought this part was interesting because it is something that we can relate to -- Brooke-Sidney Gavins is a broadcast journalism student at University of Southern California. "I understand that there may not be a 'guaranteed' job with a major media organization after I graduate," Gavins said in the article. "A lot of new journalists are going to have to build their careers more guerilla-style by selling their stories and promoting their work all the time." 

And that is someone coming from USC! She thinks she's worried about getting jobs? What about us CSULB students...? Check the program out... you may be accepted and not have to worry about future graduation plans!

Lauren D.

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