Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Supersize It, Please.

Yesterday, reported on the genetic changes in the food we will be eating tomorrow, on Thanksgiving Day.

What is going on with the turkey and the corn? Does it seem like each year, our food is getting bigger? While some consumers may find it exciting that they are paying the same price for a larger turkey this year as last year, many people may be unaware of the unnatural mutation our turkey goes through each year.

Compared to 1966, the average weight of a turkey has gone up 13lbs. In 1966, a turkey averaged 21lbs while in 2003, the average turkey weighed 39lbs. That's 13lbs more bird and twice more amount of meat to indulge.

The birds aren't growing larger naturally, though. Take into consideration that a bird is fed chemical enhancing food that allows them to grow up to 50lbs in five months. A turkey may get so big that they are unable to mate naturally. That's where the turkeys get artifical inseminations so farmers can make sure that next year, there will be enough turkey for all. Bigger turkeys for all.


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